Saturday, October 20, 2007

Autumn Leaves

In what turned out to be the last day of our motorcycle adventure, we woke to more rain and decided that if we could, we would try and make it through Oregon to Rod and Linda's place in Montesano, Washington. Despite the weather, the journey through the Redwoods was just gorgeous. Not only are the redwoods magnificent, but autumn had hit this part of the US and the colours were stunning - lots of yellows and reds as well as the various shades of green. It was a shame we could not do this journey on a sunny day but even so, parts of this journey were great. We knew we would not see too much scenery because of the rain so joined the I-5 freeway to get in as many miles as we could. We became temporarily geographically embarrassed in the freeway system at Portland and had to call on Nagging Nellie, the GPS to help us out.

After 480 wet miles, we arrived at Rod and Linda's just after 6.00pm tired, a little wet and also a little sad that this two wheeled part of our big adventure was over. The Gold Wing had performed magnificently and only went lame once - and carried us in comfort for 9000 miles from sea level to more than 10,000 ft, from near freezing to 40 degrees C plus (over 104 degrees F) conditions, and from cities to deserts.


Anonymous said...

Great to see you both enjoying yourselves. Spose when I get to be middle aged I hope I get to do a trip like this.
Lots of love
Anthony, Donna & Max

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